What is the earliest you can tell the gender of the baby?
The earliest we can determine the gender of the baby is approximately 15 weeks although if it is a boy as early as 13 weeks.
When is a good time for a 3D ultrasound?
We suggest starting at 26 weeks. Prior to 26 weeks your baby doesn't have enough fat and muscle to give a good picture.
Is there any preparation for my 3D ultrasound?
Drink plenty of fluid starting the day before your ultrasound. This keeps the amniotic fluid replenished and that helps in obtaining a better picture.
What is 4 D ultrasound?
4D ultrasound is looking at the baby in 3D but in motion.
Does my health insurance cover the cost of a 3D ultrasound?
Health insurance does not cover the cost of an elective procedure.
Will you always get a good picture of the baby?
There are many factors that contribute to a good picture of the face such as position of the baby, level of amniotic fluid, position of umbilical cord and the placenta.
Is ultrasound safe for my unborn child?
There has been no conclusive evidence for harmful effects of 3D ultrasounds on a developing fetus.